Tabilquicred Admin replied

335 weeks ago

Dragon's Lair II: Timewarp Movie Download

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646f9e108c The evil wizard Mordroc has kidnapped princess Daphne to marry her. Dirk the Daring will have to use a magical time machine to free Daphne again.
The Dragon's Lair and Space Ace series were an amazing breakthrough in video game history. The third installment, Dragon's Lair II, was by far the best. With beautiful animation and well-acted voices, this one forced me to waste away my quarters at the old local arcade. Although now scarce, this arcade game was and still is the best video game ever!
From the man who brought you Dragon's Lair and Space Ace, Don Bluth gives you Dragon's Lair 2: Timewarp! Princess Daphne is kidnapped again! This time, it's the evil wizard Mordrock. With the help of a talking time machine, Dirk the daring must battle the queen of hearts and her card army, two vicious snakes at Eden's garden, Beethoven's hungry cat, and the evil Mordrock himself or princess Daphne is done for! That is, if he doesn't get killed by his mother-in-law! All you have to do is press the correct button within the time limit. If you don't, then your goose is cooked and so is Dirk's. Dragon's Lair Two is not only one of the greatest retro games of all time, it's also filled with humor!

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last edited 257 weeks ago by Tabilquicred
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